This error can also occur if the user selected an input record from a modal dialog window by clicking on any column other than the first one while recording. 如果用户在记录时通过单击第一列以外的任何列,选择了来自一个模态对话框窗口的输入记录,那么也有可能发生此错误。
The theoretical analysis of compound structure's dynamic behaviour would put up. The compound structural system would be simplified to a interlaminar shear linear modal with n freedoms, and brace stiffness matrix and interlamination shear stiffness of column and brace would be deduct. 然后对复合结构进行了动力性能理论分析,将复合结构体系简化为一个n自由度的层间剪切线性模型,推出了支撑刚度矩阵、柱撑层间抗侧刚度;
Modal analyses of the base frame and the vertical column were carried out to investigate their dynamic characters. 接着,对立柱和底座的动态特性进行了有限元分析。
Modal analysis is introduced into flow-induced vibration, and response model of single circular column in crossflow is given. 本文将模态分析法引入到流体诱发振动问题的研究中,给出了横流中圆柱结构的响应模型。
A test method of measuring rigid modal behavior of column rotor helicopter on landing gear is suggested in this paper. 本文基于模态分析理论和试验技术,提出了一套测定纵列式旋翼直升机在起落架上的刚体模态特性试验方法。